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How to avoid tourist crowds and still see the sights

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When dreaming of far-off travel destinations, many people picture themselves in an idyllic world - one where all nearby attractions are frozen in a state of brochure perfection and busloads of other tourists are nowhere to be seen. Unfortunately, reality can be quite different, especially if you're trying to visit one of the world's most popular attractions. So, how can you see the sights, without having to deal with the dreaded tourist crowds? Read on to find out.

1. Get an early start to the day.

If your goal is to see the sights while avoiding the crowds, don't plan on sleeping in. As the morning progresses, more and more tourists will wake up and head straight for the area's most well-known attractions. Because of this, many popular attractions tend to be less crowded first thing in the morning.

2. Visit some lesser-known attractions.

Whereas the most popular attractions tend to be crowded no matter when you visit, it's common for lesser-known attractions to remain relatively uncrowded. Search the web for some hidden treasures before you leave or simply explore once you've reached your destination. Many times even walking a mere few streets away from an area's main attraction can provide you with a peaceful crowd-free reprieve.

3. Pre-purchase your tickets.

Whenever possible, pre-purchase your tickets before arriving at the more popular attractions. If you're asked to reserve an entry time, make it for the earliest available time slot. By pre-purchasing your tickets, you'll be able to avoid the crowds of people waiting to be admitted and bypass any admission lines.

A part of travel that many people don't enjoy is dealing with tourist crowds. Thankfully, there are a few things you can do to limit your exposure to the dreaded tourist crowds, while still seeing the sights. By getting up early, visiting an area's lesser-known attractions, and pre-purchasing your tickets, you'll be far more likely to avoid tourist crowds during your next trip.


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